Saturday, August 16, 2008

Do you feel afraid to petition your government?

One of the most important rights that you own as a citizen of the United States is your right to petition your government.

How comfortable do you feel doing it?

Could you go a school board meeting, city council meeting, or a county commission meeting and express your disapproval of some aspect of their public service?

If you are afraid, it is because you are afraid of the abuse of power.

Why would you be afraid that a public servant might abuse their power?

Is it because for the most part, there is no real accountability for the abuse of power, or for those who abuse power?

Socrates argued that, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I would add that it is only "power without accountability" that corrupts; absolutely.

There is no reason that you should be afraid of your servant, except that your servant is out of your control.

For as long as they can keep citizens afraid to petition their government, they will continue to abuse their power to make citizens afraid to hold them accountable; afraid to petition them.

For as long as you are afraid to petition your government
you will remain afraid to petition your government.


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