Wednesday, August 06, 2008

There will be an audit, eventually.

The argument against an audit is an indefensible position.

There is only one reason to avoid an audit, and that is to
hide the conduct of those who will be exposed by the audit.

The audit will be postponed for as long as possible.

The longer the audit is postponed, the more problems
can be fixed before the audit exposes them.

The leadership of the APS will (try to) insist that the audit
be only of current practices and personnel, and no
investigation of conduct and competence before the fix.

They will insist that no names be named.
School Board head honcho, Paula Maes has said as much,
straight out.

"I will not allow an audit that identifies
individual administrators, like for example,
"Tom Savage."
You might ask, OK as long as the problems get fixed, who
cares about an audit?

They want to fix the problems without inconveniencing
any of the good ol' boys. Covering up will still be the
top priority.

The fixes will come unfixed.

Unless they are willing to conduct an audit that names
names, they are not willing to be held honestly accountable
  • to meaningful standards of conduct and competence
  • by an impartial system powerful enough to hold them
    accountable even against their will.

And are unworthy of our trust
and of any further investment of our trust or our treasure
in their corrupt and incompetent administration of the APS.

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