Monday, August 04, 2008

APS School board to sell $134M in bonds

The agenda for the meeting next Wednesday afternoon
includes a board approval of the selling of bonds to finance
school construction and maintenance.

There are two aspects that are of concern to those who will
be taxed in order to pay off the bonds;

  1. what interest rate will tax payers pay on the bonds
  2. will the money be spent efficiently and effectively

No where in the agenda or in the documentation provided
to you by the leadership of the APS link
is there mention of the interest rate that you will pay.

The omission may be legitimate; perhaps it is negotiated
at the very last minute; I don't know.

What I do know is that taxpayers will pay a higher
interest rate than they would be paying were there not
the chaos and corruption and incompetence in the
APS Financial Division.

If you were a bond buyer, would you want to but a bond from an institution
  • with "inadequate financially sound policies and procedures,
  • with an institutional disregard for what policies and procedures that there are,
  • which has created more "appearances of impropriety" than you can shake a stick at, and
  • which has failed to keep adequate financial records on the spending of a billion dollars a year?
You are paying a higher interest rate than you would be paying, were APS not run buy a bunch of incompetent and corrupt good ol' boys.

Despite his (empty) assurances about "transparency"
Winston Brooks'
administration is no more transparent
than any before, and is no more transparent than the goo
from the La Brea tar pits.

More importantly, you have no reason to believe that the
$134M tax dollars will be spend efficiently and effectively.

You have no reason to believe that they will be spent
honestly, legally, ethically.

What you do have, is an administration which refuses to
have its efficiency and effectiveness impartially audited.

What you do have, is a school board president ordering
that there will be no audit that individually identifies
the corrupt and the incompetent in the leadership of
the APS.

Why hide from an audit, if there is nothing to hide?

What you do have, is a cub reporter, Zsombor Peter,
who can't understand why any of this is newsworthy.


Anonymous said...

When you talk about of upcoming school board meetings, you should say (or provide a link to) where and when they are. Maybe that will lead to more people attending them.

Anonymous said...

Until and Unless they allow an administrative audit, with teeth and accountability, I will go to the polls and VOTE NO!

ched macquigg said...

Unfortunately, you won't get the chance to vote on a mill levy or bond issue for years.

Voters just approved a half billion dollars worth of bond issues and mill levies.

The leadership of the APS has money to play with for a long time.

If you want them to play by the rules in the meantime; please go to the board meeting and and join is the demand for an immediate full scale audit.