Sunday, August 03, 2008

APS Modrall records made public; sort of.

After many years asking, and several months after
submitting a request for public records;

APS Modrall, according to the NMAG's Office, has surrendered all that they can be compelled to surrender, without some
expensive litigation.

I have not yet seen them, I would be surprised to find that
APS Modrall has surrendered evidence that they have used
unwitting taxpayer support of "education" to litigate against
the public interest.

It is generally agreed that there is little accountability in
the leadership of the APS. Even the leadership of the APS
will not, because they can not, dispute that very
fundamental allegation.

They pay Monica Armenta $104K a year to come up with
an explanation, a defense, a denial, or even an
acknowledgment of the accountability issues in the
leadership of the APS. And even she cannot spin the
ethics and accountability crisis in terms that stakeholders
would believe.

One of the ways that the leadership of the APS excepts
itself from accountability, is to defend administrators and
board members against complaints filed in the court system.

They use tax dollars to pay lawyers to litigate exception to
the lowest standard of conduct of all; the law.

Their record is of using public resources to litigate against
the public interest.

By way of example, they paid me tens of thousands of tax
dollars to promise not to hand over to law enforcement,
incontrovertible evidence of felony criminal misconduct,
by senior APS administrators.

Is that really how you want your tax dollars spent by
the leadership of the APS?

The records for the last two years are supposedly
available for inspection and/or copying.

All one has to do, is to ask APS Custodian of Public Records
Rigo Chavez,
for the opportunity to inspect and or copy
the public record of "all" litigation by the Modrall Law Firm
in defense of complaints made against administrators and
board members who have broken the law, in the last two
years (I am limited by a settlement agreement from asking
for records more than two years old).

The records are in his immediate possession, and according to
the law; the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act,
he is required to surrender them immediately.

He will watch you read them, he will make copies for 50 cents
per page, and he will keep a record, for APS Modrall, of the
records that you have copied.

I cannot inspect the records myself, because APS Modrall
refuses to accommodate my disability. I am pursing the
issue with the Office of the Attorney General.

Side bar; The APS Modrall relationship, is a relationship that stands in egregious disregard for APS Board Policy which absolutely and unequivocally prohibits the "appearance of a conflict of interest".

Modrall's President, is married to school board head honcho
Paula Maes.

They do millions of dollars worth of business with the APS.

Their record should reflect a great deal of public resources
spent against the public interest.

If indeed they have actually surrendered an ethically
candid, forthright, and honest record of their
last two years.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I say again, if a one page summary that informs the Board and Super of legal expenses it has incurred, someone is not printing reports that could be easily printed from lawyer billing statements.

Go to each law firm you used, APS and ask THEM for the costs you paid to them, they will know very quickly and in great detail but with the ability to give you only the information you need. Ask your lawyers to help you track costs and tell you how much you paid them if all those sheets of paper are just too confusing.