Friday, August 03, 2007

Robert (Lucero)'s Rules of Order?

The board of education claims adherence to Robert's Rules of Order during meetings.

In practice, they do what ever they want; Robert be damned.

Case in point; the board was voting to accept the two law firms to defend them against Gil Lovato and Sam Bregman.

There was some discussion about whether or not the board had to conduct a formal vote in order to legitimize their decision.

Robert Lucero, always anxious to cut (other people's) discussion short, "called the question".

“calling the question” when done properly should be a rare occurrence. If debate has dragged on longer than you feel is really warranted, you can “call the question,” at which time the chair has to immediately ask those assembled to vote to determine whether or not debate should be cut off or continue. The motion to call the question is itself not debatable. If two-thirds of those voting agree that the discussion should have died some time ago, they will support the call. Then, and only then, will the vote be taken on the question itself. (link)

Instead, Board President Paula Maes allowed continued discussion.

Lucero, reminded her that he was finished listening to other points of view and that the question had been called.

According to the real Robert's rules; the next vote taken was on calling the question; not on the question itself. They voted to take a vote, and then moved on to the next order of business without voting.

Since only one vote was taken; in effect, no vote was taken on the question.

If the board actually had a parliamentarian, as has been suggested by Board Member Mary Esquivel, these ignorant mistakes would not be repeated again and again.

Why does the board insist on the pretense of accountability to Robert's Rules of Order; when in fact at any given moment they will do whatever the hell they want to do anyway?

Yet one more example of the blatant hypocrisy that is the stock and trade of Paula Maes; et al in the leadership of the APS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

King Robert! What a buffoon! I have never seen anyone so in love with his own voice!