Monday, August 06, 2007

How Many APS Administrators and Board Members Are Incompetent and/or Corrupt?

If the administration of the APS placed a priority on ferreting out incompetence and corruption; neither could be found in any significant amount. Accountability is fatal to incompetence and corruption.

In an organization that tolerates incompetence and corruption; after a century in business, every slot is filled by someone who is incompetent, who is corrupt, or who has guilty knowledge of the corrupt and the incompetent. Knowledge becomes guilty knowledge when an obligation to do something about righting a wrong, is ignored. It comes at the moment one realizes the correct path and takes another instead.

The supposition that the administration of the APS is filled with the incompetent and corrupt is substantiated by the Peter Principle.

The end to corruption and incompetence in the leadership of the APS comes in the form of an impartial investigation of the competence and conduct of APS administrators and board members.

No one, no one, has offered a legitimate reason not to conduct such an audit immediately. The audit is opposed only by those whose records cannot survive an audit.

They are so powerful, so entrenched, so connected that they will prevent the audit without saying a word. They will simply prevent the discussion from ever taking place on the record.

They have already made it impossible for a citizen to demand a discussion, on the record, at a "public forum".

They will not be stopped except by people who are willing to stand up for what they believe in for two minutes.

...a lot of people.

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