Friday, August 24, 2007

Concrete Learners on the APS School Board Get a Concrete Example

In the end, it was only an intoxicated former La Cueva High School student looking for a copy of his transcript; according to a report in the Trib.

He could have been armed, as was first reported to the APS Police. They went through their little rigmarole in order to secure their weapons from the trunks of their cars. If the ex-student had been there to shoot a former teacher, or rival gang members, or what ever; the results would have underlined the need to end the ridiculous added step of retrieving their weapons; but far too late to have prevented the initial violence.

Am I the only one who remembers Deputy Barney Fife from Mayberry; and how he was allowed to carry his gun, but was only allowed to carry one bullet in his pocket? And how he had to get Andy's permission to load the gun?

And how that was funny, simply because it was so preposterous?

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