Thursday, August 30, 2007

Monica Armenta Will Be Paid More Than A Million Dollars

for her next tens years of service as
APS' Executive Director of Communications.

At the end of that decade, she will be almost two years behind in her work. This, if you believe her when she says she can't answer simple questions promptly because she is already two weeks behind in her emails.

In the the past; I have asked a few questions of Armenta.

In late July/early August I asked her a very few questions about the Administrative Conference on Education; ACE, and then I asked her to respond to the factual accuracy of my post exposing the conflict of interest scandal surrounding the ACE at the Inn of the Mountain Gods.

In early August, I asked to respond to the factual accuracy of my post on the student militia defending Manzano High School.

This week I asked her to communicate the position of individual board members on the issue of the scope of the upcoming administrative accountability audit.

It is a reasonable question. The decision on the scope of the audit is arguably the most important decision this board will ever make; they will decide whether to end corruption and incompetence in the leadership of the APS; or continue to tolerate and enable them.

It is reasonable to expect each board member to lay their position on the table for stakeholder examination and input.

It is reasonable to expect Monica Armenta to respond to the question.

Yesterday I complicated the issue by adding another question; How can the board justify removing the public forum from the broadcast public record of board meetings?

I asked her to acknowledge that she had received my email, and was not stonewalling me.

Armenta's response;

Mr. MacQuigg,
You should not take offense if you don't get answers anytime soon. I still haven't read emails from two weeks ago - there are that many.

If you have an issue of urgency please go through the normal process of requesting public records. Our focus is always student achievement and that's how we prioritize our work.
Monica Armenta

Apparently the latest member of the APS $100,000/yr club; three months into her new job, is already two weeks behind.

Either that or she is lying about being two weeks behind to escape accountability for refusing to answer questions about the public interest.

"Our focus is always student achievement and that's how we prioritize our work."

I would argue that telling the truth will do more to raise student achievement, than not telling the truth.

I would argue that telling the truth should be the highest priority of senior public servants in the public schools.

Charlie Moore, Journal editor waiting for the story to unfold before he assigns a reporter;

... it is unfolded enough; assign an investigative reporter.


Anonymous said...

If you have an issue of urgency please go through the normal process of requesting public records.

She has got to be kidding, right?

ched macquigg said...

Two problems with her solution; I have not asked her for public records; and if I had; the normal process of requesting public records means beating APS/Modrall in court.

Anyone who thinks that that would not be a problem, fails to understand the power of unscrupulous lawyers on unlimited budgets.

Anonymous said...

I had the dull pleasure of seeing Monica Armenta on the local news commenting on the alleged drug dealing students in one of the high schools last week.
Her ground shaking response (she says with a giggle and a smile)something [paraphrased]"All High schools have drugs and dealers in them. If anyone thinks they don't, they they aren't living in the real world. We'll do something to address the problem."
This lady gets a $100,000 a year????!!!!. So bland, so patronizing to the public, yes...she's perky and smiley... but that's not worth a $100,000 a year!