Sunday, August 01, 2010

In defense of Charter Schools

In the Journal, link, an op-ed in defense of Charter Schools.

I would venture that, most people do not have an accurate
picture of Charter Schools. We are grossly under-informed
and misinformed with regard to the spending of a great deal
of power, our trust, and our treasure, in public education.

People like APS Supt Winston Brooks would rather
you focus on a handful of Charter School Screw-ups, than on
the ones who are whipping him like a red-headed step child.

The problem is more fundamental than whether tax dollars should be spent on Charter Schools.

The problem is that we are in no position to make a decision
because we know so few of the facts.

We don't know the truth because those who we count on to tell us the truth, are letting us down.

I was once approached by a Charter School Principal in hope that I could offer him some hope for fair coverage for Charter Schools, in the Journal. I offered him none.

APS Supt Winston Brooks gets a column in the Journal every month to say whatever he wants without fear of contradiction.

Charter School Superintendents do not.

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