APS Supt Winston Brooks,
linkFor reasons known only to himself, Brooks has likened the disaster at Rio Grande High School to the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty, wikilink.
There is a least one glaring difference; in the nursery rhyme
poor Humpty "fell", at RGHS he was quite clearly "pushed"
by a Principal Brooks appointed to a job for which she lacks the necessary skill set.
And what of the oversight? Asst Supt Eddie Soto is pulling down well north of $100K to keep an eye on Rio Grande. Where was he when Humpty Dumptina was tossing the schedules of 1600 students a month before school was to start?
According to the Journal, stakeholders at the school want the Principal replaced. Brooks, who no one tells what to do, said; "That will not happen".
According to the Journal report, the highly paid APS Executive Director of Communications Monica Armenta;
When asked for comment about the (PTSA) letter's complaints, spokeswoman Monica Armenta said a team of APS administrators' responses are posted on the district's website, ... She said she could not respond other than by reading from the website. (emphasis added)
I suggest that you do read from the website,
link, entitled
A Portrait of Rio Grande High School. Anyone who has had their portrait created, knows a "portrait" is a far different image than a candid photograph - there are times when a viewer wouldn't know s/he was looking at the same person. I offer political campaign "portraits" as a case in point.
Note in particular the response from the leadership of the APS to the "rumor" that high schools students are learning to play "hangman" instead of preparing for the rest of their lives.
Students are required to take certain core classes such as math, English, social studies and science. Additionally, most students have three periods of electives (except some seniors who have classes at other locations like CEC or CNM or who have already completed most of their graduation requirements.) Counselors from around the district first wanted to make sure all students have a full schedule. Then they want to try to get students in the electives they’ve asked for when possible.
Regardless of any truth in the response, it does not include a response to the allegation that students have been taught to play hang man in high school.
APSspeak, dodging an allegation usually means the allegation is true.
The leadership of the APS did manage to find a handful of "driven" students; class presidents and students in
Advanced Placement classes; students who will find their way to the right classes independent of their screwed up schedules, and then presented their responses as "typical" of all students. Hardly candid, forthright, and honest.
According to APS' spin;
APS employees have been working around the clock to get this done as soon as possible."
To the rest of the world, "around the clock" means
24 hours a day. The leadership of the APS would have stakeholders believe they are working 24 hours a day to create student schedules.
The more likely truth; they are sitting around a table
with a clock sitting in the middle of it.
All perfectly "legal" of course.
1 comment:
Check out Esquivel's comments in the journal today. Confirms the atmosphere of fear and retaliation in APS. Now it is public knowledge that he knows. Let's watch what he does with that knowledge.
Oh yeah, I forgot, he is only on the board to sell his land to APS and build sports complexes so his daughters can play in style.
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