and everyone else who works at the educational interface.
They will have 68,900 fewer dollars to work with,
One fewer teacher, two fewer educational assistants
in the place where students meet the system,
in order that Dupay Bateman can be kept quiet, link.
The Journal reports that Bateman's contract had been
"automatically renewed".
Is "automatic" the right word?Are we to believe that APS Supt Winston Brooks paid absolutely no attention on the day when all the contracts are "automatically" renewed? to Bateman's $125K a year job?
Why did he extend a contract to a person he thought needed to be fired?
You will recall he also promoted the District's Director of Internal Audits to that position immediately before having to fire him for spending his days in skin flicks and casinos.
Brooks would have you believe the best use of your money, was to avoid litigation, by buying Dupay Bateman's silence about what is going on in APS Finance Division.
I haven't seen the Settlement Agreement, but I'll eat a bug if it doesn't read; Bateman will not reveal the truth to stakeholders.When they "fired" APS Police Chief Gil Lovato, they gave him a boot load of cash too. Also "to avoid the possibility of litigation".
Had that litigation occurred, Lovato claimed he would reveal truths that
"... would not leave a single senior administrator left standing."
The Journal refuses still, to follow up on its own story, link, ignoring the fact that three years later, the truth is still secret from stakeholders.

Even though the last such review revealed;
- inadequate standards, and
- inadequate accountability, and
- inadequate record keeping
Likely, millions of dollars have gone missing.
Does Bateman know anything about them?
I think it is fair to ask; if Dupay Bateman got his day in court, rather than our tax dollars in his pocket,
.... would there be a single APS senior administrator
left standing?
photos Mark Bralley
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