Sunday, August 29, 2010

Chicken comes home to roost?

I present this as an unverifiable, but fascinating tidbit.

APS Supt Diego "Dickie" Gallegos has been exiled, link,
from his comfy digs in the twin towers at 6400 Upyours Blvd,
to an office at Rio Grande High School. This in the wake of
the furor generated by the new Principal Cynthia Hale.

APS went to great lengths to point out that he is not being
moved there to "supervise" her.

My guess would be, he is there as a flak catcher,

"a slick spokesperson who can turn any criticism
to the advantage of their employer",
and to take the heat off APS Supt Winston Brooks for
his ill-advised appointment of the inexperienced principal.

This would make sense if what I heard is true; that it was
Gallegos who talked APS Supt Winston Brooks into
installing her as principal at the challenged school, though
she had no experience at the high school level.

Payback, it is noted, is a bitch!

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