Wednesday, April 07, 2010

More on Brooks' Dixon Award

Heath Haussamen has posted the FOG news release, link, within which lies their justification for selecting APS Supt Winston Brooks as worthy of the award. Here quoted in significant part;

Education: Winston Brooks, Albuquerque Public Schools Superintendent. Since becoming superintendent of APS, Brooks has made openness a priority. He has presided over open hiring processes; released a comprehensive report of classroom-level test scores; allowed media coverage of a contentious town-hall meeting; disclosed high-profile personnel decisions and appealed an NMAA decision to ban the public and the media from a high-school basketball game. In good times and bad, Brooks’ first reaction has been to release information and to speak openly and frankly about APS affairs.
I submit that the statement;
"In good times and bad, Brooks’ first reaction has been to release information and to speak openly and frankly about APS affairs."
is blatant misrepresentation of the truth.

As proof I offer the following question and Brooks' response to it;
Why is evidence of felony criminal misconduct involving senior APS administrators, link, being keep from the District Attorney, now three years later, and long after statutes of limitation on felony criminal misconduct have expired?
He has been asked this question in public and on the record many, many times. His response has always been to stonewall. The last time I asked it, during a public forum, I was arrested for having done so, by a Praetorian Guard under his direct control, link.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the parents that opposed the hiring of (some say)"Neo-Nazi" Linda Torres at RGHS? Were their voices heard? No!
Have the complaints from the Whistleblower program resolved? No!
Good ole boy gives other good ole boy an award.... and I'm sure the SS and NAzi commanders gave each other awards and pats on the backs all the time too!