Saturday, April 24, 2010

Az immigration law suffered from narrow thinking.

The legislative process does not lend itself to the development of novel solutions; or even good solutions. It is one guy's final draft against the system. Rep Al Park complained about it during opening remarks at the Governmental Restructuring Committee meeting.

He spoke of reform bills that he had carried in to the system,
only to see them summarily dismissed.

If they follow past practice; some final draft will be concocted
(sometimes in secret) and a bill will appear.

Folks will pick sides according their own agenda, and they will tell us what they are willing to do by way of restructuring.

It is not their call.

The terms of public in-servitude are the prerogative of the public, not of the public servant.

If they are not willing to provide transparent accountability; if they cannot return to us, control over power and resources that are fundamentally our own, they need to be replaced with people who are. Rep Janice Arnold-Jones comes to mind.

Our will is that they create a revolutionary reform that places control over our power and resources, solidly in our hands.

In 192 days, we will be standing at the polls ready to hold them accountable to that standard. We will need a few days before hand, let's say 20, to talk about the reform package.

End date then; NTE 172 days from this.

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