Friday, September 15, 2006

Character Counts. It's a declarative sentence.

"Character Counts" is a declarative sentence. Mostly you see it with an exclamation mark. Character counts a lot.

Or does it? Cheaters never win! Or do they? A persuasive argument could be made that character doesn’t count; at least not as much as money, or power. If character counted, character would be omnipresent.

Character counts sometimes. Character counts with some people.

Most people would agree I think, we are better off as a civilization if we successfully encourage our children to value character; theirs and in others.

If that is really our interest, then we have to stop rejecting the standard which we expect children to embrace.

Younger generations have always fallen short of parents’ standards. Rarely have they fallen short of their parents’ example. It seems like every generation expects the next generation to be the first to hold them selves accountable to a higher standard.

Character is taught by example. It is taught only by example. Our children will not make sacrifices that we will not make ourselves. Why should they; because we tell them to? Hypocrisy is a poor teacher. “Example has more followers than reason.” Bovee

If we really want our children to embrace character and courage and honor; then we must as well. They have to see us leading by our example.

Any standard worthy of their allegiance is worthy of our own. We have to show them what it looks like to hold one’s self accountable to a standard of conduct. We cannot do that except by holding ourselves honestly accountable to a standard of conduct.

So far we have shown them only that we are willing to be held accountable to the law; a standard so low that one who fails to meet it might be caged. And, if you ask me, we doing a damn poor job of showing children that we are accountable even to the law.

At some point we must accept the responsibility of role models and live up to the obligations that that implies.

1 comment:

Chuck said...

Character should be the most important aspect of life, but to often it is overlooked for other things. Sad, very sad, that why we have a society of disfunctional people. I'm certain, that we need to look to the bible to find character.