Friday, January 11, 2008

New Mexico Ranks 50th in Efficiency of Spending Educational Resources

According to these folks; First Class
(link) then click on NM on the map

New Mexico only manages get 56 cents of each operational dollar to the classroom; the lowest percentage in the nation.

If New Mexico raised the percent of money that gets to the classroom to 65%, the goal of First Class Education.Org, classrooms in NM would get an additional $217M a year without raising taxes.

tip of the hat to Errors of Enchantment (link)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last again..... and this has absolutly nothing to do with the state's poverty and everything to do with the state's stupidity. If the general population would just try to stop focusing on Britney and/or the Gangsta lifestyle, and focus on what is happening politically in this state for one stinking minute, they might see how killing education keeps the powers that be, the powers that be. I tell my students every year that education is power, and that it is a whole lot easier to control a stupid population. Perfect example.
Fed Up Educator