Monday, January 21, 2008

Did Phill Casaus betray Marty Esquivel?

Mr. Esquivel courageously shinnied out on a limb;
he was the first in the history of the APS to propose
an effective end to corruption and incompetence
in the leadership of the APS.

Phill, and the good ole boys who own the truth here
in River City, sat and watched as Marty climbed out,
and as Paula Maes and the APS good ole boys club
sawed the limb off behind him.

There is a supposed conflict in honest journalism;

if you are a camera man and some asshole
is beating the shit out of your friend the reporter,

do you film it, or stand up with your friend?

When I taught character counts to young people
I used to illustrate with two stories about the different
kinds of loyalty.

In one, two friends are walking through the woods
when a mountain lion confronts them.
As one of them strips off his backpack getting ready
to run, the other says, "You can't out run a lion"
to which his "friend" replies
"I don't have to out rut the lion,
I only have to outrun you."

In other, an English author, Shelley I believe
was walking across his boyhood school ground
when he saw his friend being beaten by a bully.
He confronted the bully, asking
"How many times are you going to hit him?"
The bully asked, "What difference does it make?"
To which the "friend" replied,
"Because I will take half."

So the next time some camera man is filming you
getting your ass kicked,
who would you rather the cameraman be;
Marty Esquivel or Phill Casaus?

Or Thomas J Lang, Kent Walz, Michele Donaldson,
Thomas Pearl,
or Sue Stephens?

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