Sunday, January 27, 2008

Truth "not telling" Costing Taxpayers $1M a Year

What can APS' Executive Director of Communications
do for a million tax dollars a year,

that could not be done better by a dozen
high school communication and journalism programs
each with annual budgets for state of the art technology,
of almost $90K a year, every year;

except lie?

High schoolers would have to be candid, forthright and honest. If asked how much money the leadership of the APS has squandered at the Uptown Administrative Complex; they are required by their standard of conduct to tell the truth.

Monica Armenta, on the other hand, is not. The code of conduct to which she is accountable does not prohibit deliberate deception of stakeholders; except at the point where it violates the law.

So, instead of having twelve of the most polished communication and journalism programs in the world,

we are paying Monica Armenta to deliberately deceive stakeholders.

While that may be worth a million dollars a year
to the leadership of the APS;
I doubt that many stakeholders would agree.

Ms. Armenta, and the leadership of the APS, could refute this allegation.

All they have to do is to show stakeholders their standards of conduct and competence, (requiring candid, forthright, and honest responses to legitimate questions);

And the system by which they are held accountable to those standards;

the system under which I can file a complaint regarding
Ms. Armenta's lack of candor, forthrightness and honesty.

And not be met by a team of Modrall lawyers on a unlimited budget of unwitting taxpayer support for education, and who's mission is not to refute that allegation;

... but rather, to utterly destroy the complainant.

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