Monday, January 28, 2008

Blogosphere; Goes Ape On Secret Debate

This may be the issue that unites the legitimate
political blogospere. Everyone is really pissed.
Nearly everyone has something to say, and are
saying the same thing.

Albeit cloaked beneath some need to create
a specious connection between corruption and
someone else's political philosophy;

they will ultimately come to a concensus;

There is no legitimate political agenda
that does not advance on the day that
politicians finally get it.
We have had it with their secret debates.

We're done. No more. No more secret
committee meetings, no more secret votes,
no more secrets period.

Transparent accountability to meaningful
standards of conduct and competence;

or get the hell out.

No matter what party you claim to represent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said and long over due.
We all need to stand firmly behind this.
--An APS instructor