Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monica Armenta, APS' $105K Spin Doctor Ignores Question

Armenta was asked for the names of the individual administrators and board members who recently secretly lowered the student standard of conduct for the APS.

She refuses to respond.

-She can't deny that the standard has been lowered;the new standard is a published public record.

-She can't deny that there are specific administrators
and board members who are individually responsible.
Someone had to do it, it didn't lower itself.

-She can't deny that by lowering the student standard,
these "leaders" simultaneously lowered their own standard of conduct.

So all she can do is to ignore the question.

She earns almost $10K a month as a public servant,
who's job it is to communicate (the truth)
and all she can do is to stonewall the question.

According to the standard of conduct that students,
administrators and board members used to be accountable to;

... stonewalling is unethical.

It is unethical because it is not honest.

The whole point of Armenta's existence,
as far as the leadership of the APS is concerned,
is to be dishonest.

It is not Armenta's job is not to expose
those who lowered their own standard of conduct
in secret.

Her job is to hide their identities;
in order that they may escape the consequences of
their betrayal of the public trust.

And with friends like these, who needs enemies?

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