Wednesday, January 16, 2008

APS seeks to preserve $60M in federal funding.

Puh-leeese ! !!

According to the Trib link, APS lawyers are just trying to protect APS from the loss of $60M federal education dollars.

What APS lawyers really seek to preserve is the secrecy surrounding the identities of the leadership of the APS who participated in the gradegate scandal.

It turns out that there is no penalty for lying to judges.
The judge will simply tell the liar whether or not
they believe the lie, and life goes on.

Consider their current ploy;

Dear Judge,
We are really honestly worried that if the APS hands over one student's records to a bona fide legal proceeding, that the federal government will have no choice but to respond by fining the APS $60M. Therefore, we are asking the court to order APS not to surrender the records, so that the state can claim it can no longer prosecute scapegoat Elsy Fierro, and will then drop the case, and the truth will never become public.
The judge will indicate that they either believe that crap,
or not, and no action will be taken against the lawyers and their public servant employers for spending more public resources to litigate nonsense, and against the public interest.

APS lawyers will spend however many dollars it takes
to make sure that there is never an open hearing
where the truth will be revealed.

They can afford to litigate indefinitely due to their large bore pipeline to unlimited taxpayer support of education.

A sweet arrangement for a school board president
who shares in the spoils.


Joseph Lopez said...

If they are so concerned about Federal funding, then they should have complied with Homeland Security Presidential Directives regarding an ALL-Hazard emergency plan for APS Schools.

The totality of all Federal funding can be taken from an entity if they do not comply with these Federal mandates, yet I see no movement on this issue.

There has been free online guidance to guide school districts in complying since 2004. That is four years of ignoring a Federal Mandate that endangers all Federal Funding. And four years of leaving APS kids less protected than they need to be.

Anonymous said...

You are so right about this. If they were really concerned about being in compliance, they would fix special ed.