Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Albuquerque Publics Schools' Hoodwink Award

Hoodwink: To cause to believe what is not true,
to give a false impression, to practice deceit,
to take in by deceptive means, deceive, conceal, mislead
betray, beguile, delude, dupe, bamboozle, double-cross.

The leadership of the APS by and through their
Executive Director of Communications, Monica Armenta
have hoodwinked stakeholders.

Stakeholders have been hoodwinked into believing
that the public servants in the leadership of the APS,
stewards of a billion tax dollars a year, senior role models
for 90,000 of the community's sons and daughters,

are accountable as role models
are accountable as stewards of the public trust and treasure
are accountable as public servants

to meaningful standards of conduct and competence.

They are not.

If they were, their million tax dollars a year
Communications Department would be able
to point to those meaningful standards,
and to a system powerful enough
to hold senior administrators and board members
accountable to those standards,
even against their will.

and even against will of a million tax dollars a year
worth of Maes/Modrall lawyers.

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