Monday, January 14, 2008

Darren White will learn the lesson the hard way.

Richard Nixon was not the first, nor was he the last
politician to come to the conclusion that it is far better
to come clean with the truth, than to get caught in the
cover up.

Not only does Darren White have to explain how his
computers were criminally abused by the leadership
of the APS;

but now he has to explain why he has refused to be
honest about it for the last year,

and despite several requests that he surrender
ethically redacted public records, to public knowledge.

Similarly, if and when the media finally start covering
the APS Ethics and Accountability Scandal;
in order to be found credible in their reporting,
they will first have to report credibly on their failure
to report credibly, here to fore,
for many years and through several board member,
school bond issue, and mill levy elections.

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