Brian Colón posted on Democracy for New Mexico, link.
He said;
"These are our children and grandchildren,If we believe that character counts in our children's future,
and it is up to us to protect their future."
then character must be part of their education.
There is an elephant in the room in the APS; character education.
If Brian Colón is elected he will have 89,000 constituents who are students in the APS and who are desperately in need of role models of the student standards of conduct; the Pillars of Character Counts!.
If we really want these kids to grow up to embrace character and courage and honor, someone has to show them what it looks like. Somebody has to step up as a role model of the APS student standards of conduct, if even only for the few hours each day they hold students accountable to those standards.
Children have a right to role models.
They need someone to champion their right to character education.
Will Brian Colón be their champion; will he be the one who will point to the elephant in the APS. Will he shine the light of public attention on the lack of honest accountability to meaningful standards of conduct and competence in the leadership of the APS. Will he point to their steadfast refusal to even discuss, openly and honestly, the restoration of the role modeling clause to their own standards of conduct, the one which used to read;
In no case shall the standards of conduct for an adult,
be lower than the standards of conduct for students.

Marty Esquivel won't do it.

won't do it.

Is he really a champion?
With the throwing down of this gauntlet; a test of his mettle.
photos Mark Bralley