Sunday, May 09, 2010

We don't need a Governor who will prosecute public corruption

We do need a Governor who will prevent public corruption.

DA Susana Martinez is all about prosecuting corruption.

She assures voters that if elected, she will prosecute public corruption.

Aside from the fact that prosecution of public corruption isn't
a gubernatorial responsibility in the first place,
it is too little, too late, in any case.

If corruption gets to the point where you are prosecuting it,
damage has already been done; tax dollars have been lost,
power has been abused, and the public interests have been

Prosecuting corrupt politicians and public servants does not repair the damage that is already done. And, there is no empirical evidence of which I am aware, that would suggest that even vigorous prosecution has a demonstrable effect as a deterrent.

Martinez' approach is reactive solutions to a problem whose only real solutions lie in a proactive approach.

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