Heath Haussamen asked for Lt Gov Diane Denish
for a copy of her calendar, link.
She said, no, while swaddling herself in feckless law.
What good and ethical reason is there to redact the entire calendar of her public service to New Mexicans?
When the question is; will you tell the truth?
any answer except yes means, no.
Why isn't she proud to show voters her calendar?
Why doesn't she want us to see what she does all day long,
while we are paying her to be the Lieutenant Governor?
There shouldn't be anything on her workday calendar that she should be ashamed or embarrassed about.
What is she hiding?
Why in the world would anyone vote for a politician
who won't tell them the truth about their public service?
Monday, May 03, 2010
Denish was asked to tell the truth, her response was, no.
Posted by
ched macquigg
8:59 AM
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did you read the story? I know that Haussamen, like you, is attempting to beat Diane Denish but even he does not accuse her of lying. Instead, he reported that her chief of staff "said his office doesn’t keep an 'official' calendar of the lieutenant governor’s appointments and isn’t releasing notes or documentation related to her schedule, except to point to news releases that announce public appearances."
Yet you say she is lying about her schedule. In other words, you are lying about what Haussamen wrote and what Rosen said.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
I only hope you don't censor comments like New Mexico Watchdog does. In fact, you should ask them about that. Then again, you never question your conservative media compatriots.
I never said she was "lying" about her schedule. What I did say was that she was "not telling the truth" about her schedule. There is a difference and you should seek to understand and appreciate it before telling me that I should be ashamed of what I wrote.
You have to pay attention to the quotation marks. When Rosen wrote that their is no "official" calendar, what Rosen likely means is that there is no calendar that says "official" on the cover.
There is of course a calendar, it was likely created by public servants within their public service, which makes it a public record subject to surrender under the NMIPRA, further subject to the specific exceptions listed in the ACT.
The law is poorly written and unenforceable. There is a record of what she is doing during the day we pay her to be Lt Governor. If she was doing Lt Gov things, she wouldn't need to hide her "unofficial" calendar. If she is out campaigning instead, she should tell the truth about it, not hide it.
It is not my place to supervise what other bloggers do with comments made on their blogs. I have never censored any opposing fact, argument, or point of view.
On the contrary I welcome them. At various times, I have actually offered cash rewards to anyone who could point to a substantive error in any of the 4200 posts I have written. So far, no takers.
I take issue with your allegation that I never question "conservative media compatriots". I owe allegiance to no one; I calls em as I sees em.
I appreciate that you take the time to read, and took the time to comment.
In your little world, saying someone isn't telling the truth isn't lying?
If you are trying to play that sort of semantics, it just shows how weak your position is in the first place.
And you call them like you see them, but you see everything though the lens of "Democrats bad, Janice Arnold-Jones good."
In my little world? You honestly cannot see the difference between "lying" and "not telling the truth"? It is not semantics.
If my position is "weak" it should be easy for you to point to the weakness - please do.
I have never said "Democrats are bad", just as I have never said "Republicans are good". You are simply making that up.
Party affiliation is the most superficial of comparisons to make between candidates; it is all but meaningless.
Janice Arnold-Jones has the competence, the character and the courage to be Governor. She is by far the most qualified to be Governor. She also happens to be Republican. I would vote for her even if she was a Democrat.
You ad hominem attack on me just proves you really cannot fault the message, just the messenger; thank you for the vindication of my argument that your ad hominem attack implies.
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