Gwyneth Doland, NMI, NMiF, asked, link, Lt Gov Diane Denish how she intended to deal with the perception that she is linked to the public corruption and incompetence that surrounded her for seven years in the Roundhouse.
According to her response, Denish intends to not deal with it
at all. She intends instead to "focus upon the future", and
"upon families", because that's "what the people really want"
her to do.
Candidate Diane Denish has been asked legitimate questions. She has an obligation to respond to those questions candidly, forthrightly, and honestly.
She won't of course.
Instead she will treat us to $3M worth of thirty second TV spots reminding us that "it is all about the future".
It's the good ol' boy get out of jail free card;
"Forget about the past. Let's focus on the future."
"Never mind holding anyone actually accountable for
their incompetence and/or corruption, let's focus instead
upon, 'making sure it doesn't happen again'."
In her first spot, Denish said she wasn't "a good ol' boy", and
"never wanted to be a 'good ol' boy'".
Of course she isn't; she's a good ol' gal.
So technically, in a legally weasely kind of a way, she isn't lying.
Neither, is she telling the truth.
She will allow people who want to vote for her because she is a Democrat, to believe that she cannot be held accountable for any of the public corruption and incompetence that has permeated state government for seven years.
There are so many of them, she can get elected without ever having to talk about her recent past. They will protect her from having to defend, deny, explain, or even acknowledge "the past".
She will simply stonewall the questions; and get elected anyway.
A candid, forthright, and honest answer would begin by admitting to the corruption in the Richardson administration. It would then move on to her explanation of why she doesn't have a bloody nose to show us, for all her "fighting" against that culture of corruption and in our defense.
Denish does not want to be Governor in order to "clean out" the Roundhouse. She goes there to assume command of the ship of state, and of its crew.
"The crew" won their state jobs, political appointments, and promotions, for their loyalty, not just to Gov Bill Richardson, but to "the Party" as well. They have been good soldiers. They will expect to keep their jobs. They're not going anywhere.
The only chairs being rearranged on our Titanic,
are the ones in the wheelhouse, wikilink.

Is there a culture of corruption
in state government? and,
Why are you not bloodied
from fighting against it?
photo Mark Bralley
Well said!
I recently told someone, that if she would've taken a stand & even gone so far as to threaten to resign -- I would see her in a different light. But we have NOT heard a peep out of her.
And Bill Clinton comes to town to honor this "fine" candidate. As my mom used to say, "flies are attracted to s&^&^".
And don't think I'm feeling along party lines... as far as I've observed, Sarah Palin coming to honor Martinez is even more detrimental to support for that candidate.
Arnold-Jones seems to be a fine candidate, but we seem to love the scandal and crappy leaders here in NM.
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