Monday, May 03, 2010

"Public forum" to be the first order of business.

There will be a school board meeting at Rio Grande High School this evening, at 5:30. You can watch it on line, link.

A public forum is the first order of business, link.

If you are a stakeholder in RGHS, this is as good as it will ever get; a board meeting in your neighborhood, scheduled outside of the usual work day, and a soap box upon which you can stand while exercising the dual first amendment protected rights; freedom of speech and freedom to petition one's government.

Someone please ask them if the Pillars of Character Counts! represent the student standard of conduct at RGHS.

And further, whether by logical extension,
are the Pillars of Character Counts! the standard of conduct for adults as well?

Someone ask them if the person they will install as the senior most administrative role model of the student standards of conduct at Rio Grande High School has any intention at all of stepping up to honest accountability to that nationally recognized, accepted, and respected code of ethical conduct.

If the leadership of the APS has the right to expect students to hold themselves honestly accountable to a higher standard of conduct than the law, some one of them will have to
show them what it looks like.

If we really expect students to grow into adults who embrace character and courage and honor; someone has to show them what it looks like.

Someone has to show them what honest accountability to meaningful standards, looks like.

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