Friday, May 21, 2010

Denish has a record of fighting corruption.

Blogger Heath Haussamen stood up for Lt Gov Diane Denish against those (Republicans) who claim she has never done anything to fight against public corruption in Santa Fe.

Haussamen outlined Denish's efforts to support legislation similar to the bill Rep Janice Arnold-Jones carried, that provided for the audit that eventually uncovered the Housing Authority corruption, link.

It is fair to point out that when Denish was asked by Jim Scarantino, link, to surrender any public records she had, demonstrating that she had expressed any concern over public corruption in Santa Fe, she surrendered none.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My story would show that Denish never had any communications with the AG or the Governor about the District III scandal. Her ad says she "investigated." So who on her staff was the criminal investigator and what did she do with the findings if she didn't forward them to the Governor or Attorney General? Did she just sit on them, or is there in fact nothing to show? Jim Scarantino