Allen Weh issued a press release that might lead some people to believe that the "New Mexico Tea Party" has endorsed his campaign.
The fundamental problem is that there is no such thing as the New Mexico Tea Party, link.
Further, the person who made the endorsement, made it clear when she made the endorsement, that she was speaking only for herself. Weh's press release does mention that, but only in "the fine print".
Do we need another Governor who hides the truth in
the fine print? No Weh!, but that's just mho.
In a press release from the Santa Fe Tea Party, they wrote;
Unfortunately, the (Weh) campaign wrote a misleading headline to create the impression that the support was from a large coalition of tea parties across the This is not true. Complaints to the campaign were made and requests to correct the headline were ignored. (emphasis added)

found the truth to be otherwise.
He ran the "Martinez got caught red handed" and "didn't pay taxes" long after it was revealed to be a bookkeeping error.
If he will deceive voters in order to get elected, what do you think he will be willing to do to stay elected?
Note should be taken, and
points deducted.
photo Mark Bralley
Weh is a real,scary freakshow. Unfortunately, New Mexican voters like this kind of person... that's why Arnold-Jones is low in the poles... she's real & part of the people.
Sad enough, they will probably nominate this freakshow and we'll have an even more embarrassing Governorship.
"Allen Weh issued a press release that might lead some people to believe that the "New Mexico Tea Party" has endorsed his campaign."
Umm... the press release actually says "Head of N.M. Tea Party Endorses Weh" -- not that the tea party endorsed him.
If you have any sort of honesty about your writing, which judging by your blind hatred of Weh you do not, you will retract this.
I did not invent this controversy; I am simply pointing to it.
It was not I, but a genuine Tea Party spokesman speaking for the (Santa Fe) Tea Party, who first released the story via press release.
There are things which people tend to suppose. Most people suppose for example that, if the head of an organization endorses something, they are speaking for the organization.
If that supposition were not accurate, there would be no need for a qualifying footnote. If that supposition were not accurate, the Tea Party would not have found it necessary to lodge their protest.
One can play upon that tendency to "suppose", by offering up facts in a way that encourages (mis)suppositions about those facts.
Allen Weh, imho, would like to have voters believe that Susana Martinez cheated on her taxes, and is willing to pay for deliberately misleading attack ads on Martinez.
My "hatred" of Allen Weh is not blind. I have watched him first hand enough to know that, he would not be a good Governor.
How do you get past the fact that he pays for deliberately misleading attack ads? If character counts at all, those are grounds enough to reject his candidacy for Governor.
I would almost rather vote for Denish and the rest of the Richardson administration, than vote for Allen Weh.
How do you explain that Weh is still running an ad claiming Denish "used stimulus funds to fly to a parade", even though it was shown that the funds were not stimulus funds after all?
How many times you get to tell a lie, before you are a liar?
How many times do you get to try to deliberately mislead people before people conclude you are willing to deliberately mislead them for reasons that are neither good nor ethical?
How many times do you get to "physically attack" people before you have to step up and accept the consequences?
So your defense is that you just wrote what the press release said without seeing if it were true or not?
You've lost me. What is not true?
What's not true? You wrote: "Allen Weh issued a press release that might lead some people to believe that the 'New Mexico Tea Party' has endorsed his campaign."
When his headline of his release said, "Head of N.M. Tea Party Endorses Weh"
In other words, you omitted words to make Weh look worse.
I never quoted the headlline, I did not omit any words.
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