Though the story by Deborah Baker; "GOP Candidates Already Taking Aim at Denish", was in the Sunday Journal, pg A6, I cannot find it on line; I cannot link you to it.
If I could, I would, and I would ask you, has a line had been crossed? Has our "newspaper of record" has published a political endorsement under the guise of news? Is this journalistic malpractice?
If the "report" had been written by Denish's campaign, it couldn't have been more glowing.
I take particular exception to one claim by Baker;
Lt Gov Diane Denish has "... way more experience than anyone else running for Governor.By "experience", I take Baker to mean,
Denish has been doing something of consequence in Santa Fe for the last eight years.
Yet, if Denish is asked to point to anything she did during those eight years that actually exposed any of the culture of corruption in Santa Fe, she can point to nothing of consequence at all.
If ones digs a little deeper into the question; why shouldn't Denish be held accountable for her failure to act more decisively in the fight to protect the public interests from public corruption and incompetence; the most oft offered excuse, she was of no consequence in the administration;
"Diane Denish was powerless to do anythingWell Denish can't have it both ways, and neither can Baker.
except what Bill Richardson told her to do."
Either she was a player,
in which case she needs to explain why she did nothing
to expose the corruption around her,
or, she was not a player, and should stop pretending.

was she able to summon
the competence, and
the character, and
the courage
to take the fight directly to
corrupt and incompetent
legislators and public servants
around her.
Was she complicit, complacent, a coward, ..., which is it?
According to Baker, Denish says
"We're going to be prepared to tell my story"When will it be ready? How much preparation does it need?
Is it still too unbelievable?
photo Mark Bralley
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