Thursday, November 23, 2006

The goal

As an essential term of public service, public servants will be honestly accountable to a meaningful standard of conduct. The terms of public in-servitude are the sole prerogative of the public, and not of the public servant.

The immediate objective is to compel the Leadership of the Albuquerque Public Schools to recognize the terms of their public service; that they will hold themselves accountable to a standard of conduct that protects the public interest.

This objective will be reached in one way. A number of people will assemble at a board meeting and present their demand to the Leadership of the Albuquerque Public Schools. If the number of people is large enough, the community will regain control over their power. Corruption and incompetence in the APS will end.

If the number of people is too small, when the question is asked;

As public servants, as stewards of public funds, and as the senior role models for employees and students; will you hold yourself honestly accountable to a meaningful standard of conduct?

They will ignore the question.

And they will ignore their obligations as public servants, stewards of the public trust and treasure, and as role models for 98,000 of our sons and daughters.

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