Wednesday, November 29, 2006

APS misrepresents election results

I have rewritten this post to rectify mistakes and for clarity. I will save the original and will accept responsibility for errors there in.

I picked up a flyer from a stack of flyers on a table in the APS board offices waiting room. The flyer has no publication date and is obviously being currently distributed.

On the flyer is the following statement; “In 2006, voters approved a general obligation bond election to provide capital funding for the district, with 80 percent approval.”

Having just completed a bond issue election in September, I assumed that, that was the election to which the flyer referred. Knowing that the bond issue had not passed by 80%, I looked for the results on the county clerk’s website. I did not recognize an entry labeled APS/TVI, as a bond election. I assumed incorrectly that there had been only one bond issue election in 2006 and so reported. Again, I accept responsibility for my error.

Now to the actual results. In the February election, votes were divided; 23,317 or 79.66% for the bond issue, 5,955 or 20.34% against the bond issue. These are the results to which the flyer refers.

In the September issue election, votes were divided 22,431 or 57.54% for the bond issue, 16,551 or 42.46% against.

In comparing the results, one can see that 886 fewer voters voted for the bond issue despite a 33% greater voter turnout. Votes against the bond issue were 178% greater in September than February. Voting in 2006 overall is not accurately represented by the statement, “In 2006, voters approved a general obligation bond election to provide capital funding for the district, with 80 percent approval.”

It is that dishonesty to which I react. Measured against a “legal” standard APS told the truth. Measured against an “ethical” standard, they misrepresented the truth.

If you want to be able to take statements from APS Leaders at face value; then they will have to be held accountable to a higher standard of conduct; an ethical standard; like students.

If not, then no matter what they represent as the truth, you will have to wonder if it is the “legal” truth or the “ethical” truth.

There is a difference.

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