Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hart-Stebbins to Lucero, talk Dantis into "retiring" or we will find someone who can.

County Commissioner Maggie Hart-Stebbins has little tolerance for criminal and ethical misconduct by County employees.

She is disappointed that County Manager Thaddeus Lucero has not taken care of business regarding the now thoroughly discredited and disgraced Deputy County Manager John Dantis.

The public's trust in County government, deeply damaged by the scandal, continues to erode while Dantis plans to burn up vacations days before he finally cleans out his desk

She said, if Lucero is not up to the task, the County Commission has the authority to replace him with someone who is.

For his part, Lucero said, he isn't going to answer any questions about Dantis' future.

A public servant who refuses to respond candidly, forthrightly, and honestly to legitimate questions about the public interests, has forfeited their right to our trust.

It is past time to get rid of Dantis and Lucero.

photo Mark Bralley

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