A "Big Lie" according to Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf, is, link;
a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe thatLt Gov and Gubernatorial Candidate Diane Denish
someone "could have the impudence to distort the
truth so infamously."
has a problem; she is inexorably linked to an administration
renown for corruption and incompetence.

She cannot explain why she never stood up and fought against the culture of corruption in Santa Fe. (With one or two exceptions, link) But, showing up for a fight or two is not the same as showing up for the war; its not even the same really, as picking a side.
In order to counter that perception; she is creating, via her TV spot, link, a Big Lie; not only has she fought against corruption, but she was integral in the investigation of the scandal in the Housing Authority.
She was not of course, and Jim Scarantino has written a compelling post, link, about the legal problem that Denish created by claiming to have done an investigation. The problem, there are no records of her investigation.
It would appear that Denish needs to explain why her investigation didn't produce a single public record, and why she didn't surrender the results of her investigation to the NMAG.
That or admit that her ad was a deliberate attempt to mislead voters.
Whether that admission would hurt her in her run for the position of the highest trust in state government, is subject to conjecture. Voters, apparently, have no real objection to being deceived as long as their Party's candidate wins.
photo Mark Bralley
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