NM PED Secretary Hanna Skandera
was the subject of a recent (unscientific) survey of NM public schools superintendents, link.
The anonymous online poll was
administered by an education
consultant gathering information
for his own purposes.
Superintendents gave Education
Secretary Hanna Skandera an
average grade of “D” for her overall performance.
The online poll was conducted anonymously to ease fear of retaliation against participants.
I find it interesting that superintendents admit fear of retaliation. Apparently the "culture of fear of retribution and retaliation" found in a recent APS audit, extends into the highest reaches of public school educators.
88 superintendents had the opportunity to participate; one more than half of them did. One fourth of those, gave Skandera an overall grade of "A" or "B".
Skandera was dismissive of efforts to get her to engage on the report card, arguing she was too busy advancing critical education reform initiatives in the legislature to discuss her grades;
- "D" training and preparation,
- "D" effectiveness leading the Public Education Department,
- "D" sensitivity to New Mexico culture,
- "D" involvement of superintendents,
- "C"communication with school districts and
- "D" demonstrated competence.
Issuing a report card for a Secretary of Education begs a few questions. Why not have give Superintendents report cards? Why are they above evaluation? Why aren't school board members given report cards?
Never, is when superintendents intend that their subordinates will be surveyed. Never, is when they will willingly allow subordinate evaluation of their own conduct and competence.
Never, is when principals will be evaluated by their staffs.
The entire umbrella above teachers never gets evaluated by someone who doesn't have an interest in their subordinates looking good.
The Council of the Great City Schools auditors found APS
"... administrative evaluations are subjective and unrelated to promotion ..."They found also;
"... a culture of fear of retribution and retaliation ..." in the administration of the APS, against people who allege administrative corruption or incompetence.

Can you imagine her agreeing to subordinate evaluation as a matter of course in APS administration? Can you imagine why not?
Of all the indicators of administrative incompetence and/or corruption, the most emblematic is low morale.
When is the last time morale was measured in the APS?

Nor will he respond if you ask him why he allows no subordinate evaluations of his own conduct and competence.
photos Mark Bralley
1 comment:
Hanna SkandALera? SkandAL-Era? XD
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