School Board President, then and now, Paula Maes was the also the President of the Character Counts! Leadership Council.
United States Senator and Character Counts! Founding Father Pete Domenici had brought home some pork; $50K to spend on Character Counts! education. The still secret membership of that group spent the federal grant and then evaporated.
Some of that money, I believe, was spent buying a bunch of t-shirts to give to students when they completed Character Counts! training.
stand up for what
you believe in ...
even if you're
... standing alone.

She and APS' publicly funded private police force, will continue to deny my free exercise of Constitutionally protected human rights to assemble peacefully, to speak freely, and to petition one's government for redress of grievances.

And here she is, ordering their police force to arrest anyone stands up for what they believe in, especially if they're standing alone.
And most especially if they stand up to ask her and the rest of the senior-most leadership;
Is there a single one of you with the character and the courage to hold yourself honestly accountable,Any answer except yes, means no.
by a process over which you have no control, and powerful enough to hold you accountable even against your will,
to the same standards of conduct you establish and enforce upon students? the Pillars of Character Counts!
photos Mark Bralley
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