Monday, October 13, 2008

"To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society."

According to Theodore Roosevelt.

If one accepts the premise, then the APS is graduating about
7,000 menaces to society every year.

Why has the leadership of the APS decided, without the participation of stakeholders, to drop character education from the curriculum?

There is really only one reason; the leadership of the APS does
not want to be held accountable as role models of any standard
of conduct higher than the lowest standard of conduct of all;
the law. Truth be known, APS Modrall is not accountable even
to the law.

If these allegations are not true, how else do you explain the
abandonment of character education in APS curriculum?

There is no other explanation.

If there were, Winston Brooks would offer that explanation
right here. ________________________________.

He won't, even anonymously, because he cannot.
No one in the leadership of the APS can offer any explanation,
so they won't. They won't even talk about character education
in any forum where they might be asked to explain, defend, or
even acknowledge their abandonment of any emphasis at all on
character education.

There is not, apparently, anyone in the entire leadership of the
APS with the character and the courage to hold themselves
honestly accountable as a role model of the student standards
of conduct and competence.

This is not simply an intellectual exercise. Were there meaningful
standards of conduct and competence for anyone in the APS,
truancy would decrease, the number of drop outs would
decrease, classroom and campus misconduct and disruption
would decrease, bullying would decrease, test scores would
improve, and graduation rates would increase.

There is every reason to restore an emphasis on character
education and no reason to abandon it except for the cowardice
and corruption of the leadership of the Albuquerque Public Schools.

cc Winston Brooks upon posting.

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