Monday, October 20, 2008

As long as the Rules Committee of the NMRP is getting together anyway

Letter of Complaint to the
Rules Committee of the Republican Party of New Mexico
October 20, 2008

I understand that in order for action to be taken on a complaint, it is necessary to furnish;

1. The rule involved as identified by the Uniform State Rules
2. The objection stated
3. The action desired

1. I would like to challenge “the rule of the gavel”. Regretfully, I cannot cite the rule because it is apparently unwritten, which is part of the problem.

2. I object to it because it is inconsistent with honest accountability to any recognized code of ethics. Further, that honest accountability to ethical standards of conduct is a family value.

3. The required action; the Rules Committee of the Republican Party of New Mexico must repudiate unequivocally, the notion that there is any such thing as “the rule of the gavel” among men and women who are honestly accountable to any real higher standard of conduct.

The required action is for the Rules Committee of the Republican Party of New Mexico to abolish the disconnect between advocating family values and practicing family values.

Respectfully submitted

Charles MacQuigg

Update; I am able to cite a specific rule that prohibits the exercise of "the rule of the gavel"; rule 1-2-1-B;


A. Party Membership

B. Participation: It is the intent and purpose of these rules to encourage and allow the broadest possible participation of all Republican voters in Republican Party activities at all levels and to assure that the Republican Party is open and accessible.

Update; 3:15 pm.
It has been suggested to me that filing this complaint at this time would not be helpful. Therefore, I have contacted Lou Melvin and asked that action on the complaint be suspended until further notice.

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