Monday, October 27, 2008

Darren White admits to lying

The Journal reports this morning on the first congressional
district race between Darren White and Martin Heinrich.
link sub req

Darren White is directly quoted;

".. if you want to see a bunch of lies,
just allow politicians to talk about themselves."
rather matter of factly;
no embarrassment, no remorse, no regret.

No matter who your candidate is,
if they have run a deliberately deceptive political advertisement,
then they have lied. A half truth is a whole lie. ancient proverb

How can you hand them trillions of dollars, all of your power, and no real accountability (they don't even have to tell the truth)

and not expect to be stolen blind?

Is there any standard of conduct at all for those with whom we entrust control over all of our power and all of our resources?

Is there even one standard to which we can hold them accountable?

And if there is that one,
mustn't that standard be;
  1. they have to tell us the truth
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...

You can't get any closer to the bottom line than;

Will they answer legitimate questions, candidly, forthrightly, honestly, and rather immediately?

Any answer except yes
means no.

means no.

No means;
No, I will not tell you the truth.
I will not tell you what I am doing with your power,
your trust, and your treasure.

End the madness.

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