Thursday, February 08, 2007

despite a NMIPRA request

the leadership of the aps has yet to disclose the amount of money that flows from aps to the people doing business as the tribune and journal. if there is nothing to hide, why is it being hidden?

i suspect that they are buying biased coverage.

why else would they not just tell the truth about the allocation of public funds?

and why else would the journal and trib "cover up" the two election opportunities where the leadership of the aps would have been held accountable by voters?

how much are taxpayers paying the journal and tribune to keep the cost of the Susie Rayos Marmon Boardroom a secret from readers?

the leadership wants us to believe that their public service is transparent.

this secret arrangement between aps leadership and the folks who print the "news" is proof that aps leadership is not transparent;

that it is not even translucent.

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