Sunday, February 04, 2007

confucius say;

to know the right thing and then not do it; is (moral) cowardice.

There is no such thing as leadership in cowardice.

they are in fact diametrically opposite personal attributes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, but as in most things, complexity clouds the issue. If you are serving the greater good, not acting upon evil at once can net you a bigger, more evil fish.

Or, try this -
If your loved ones are threatened, or you feel your livelihood and ability to continue feeding yourself and having a roof over your head is at risk, people sometimes go along. It is a sad but true thing that the powerless only have power when those with power are willing to make a stand for them. And a rare time in history when that dynamic is manifested in reality.

J. H. Lopez
former school employee