For reasons immaterial to the post, I found myself having volunteered to do research on "citizens advisory councils" and the Albuquerque Public Schools.
My research began on APS' award winning website.
I searched for "citizens advisory councils" as received a short list of diddlysquat, link.
The next place I tried was is APS" Student, School, and Community Service Center, link. Figure me;
these guys must know something aboutI sent an email to APS' Director of the Student, School and Community Service Center Toby Herrera. Some may think it is presumptuous to start at the top rather than following the chain of command. Trust me, it would have ended up on his virtual desk eventually; I saved you time and money.
citizens advisory councils!
I say I sent an email to him. Actually I sent three emails, the first two on this subject were not afforded the courtesy of neither a response nor acknowledgement.
Instead of just telling me the name of the public servant that can carry on an informed discussion on citizens advisory councils, he wrote this instead;
Hi Ched,Hi Toby,
Our office does not deal with that issue. You will need to run your request by the APS Custodian of Public Records, Rigo Chavez, to see if any information is available for public review. I will forward your message to him as well.
Toby H. Herrera
Been there; done that.
Now I don't hold this against Toby personally;
he's just following orders. I asked him, whose?
This is not actually a request for public records. It is a request for the identity of someone who knows the history of APS Citizens Advisory Committees; someone with whom I can have a discussion rather than an exchange of legal documents.
I wrote to your office because you call it a Community Service Center, and because I am a community member in need of service. It seemed logical to begin my search though your office, again Community Service and all. Tell me please, what department oversees community advisory councils.
Honestly, I am disappointed in your lack of co-operation.
To whom do you report?

Tellez is a co-signer on Marty Esquivel's illegal restraining order, link, banning my dissent at school board meetings.
You can see, I hope, why I don't want to make this a "public records request" that involves Rigo Chavez.
And how disappointed I am that there is no one in the entire leadership of the APS who wants to have an open and honest discussion about citizens advisory councils.
photos Mark Bralley
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