APS Executive Director of
Communications Monica Armenta
coerced the Albuquerque Press
Women, link, into ignoring my
raised hand during a Q&A at their
luncheon, link.
It begs a question; what is
Monica Armenta afraid of?
If she has been telling the
community the truth, the
whole truth and nothing but
the (ethically redacted) truth, why is she afraid to
answer legitimate questions?
Armenta tried to convince those in attendance that, there are
those who attack APS out of spite and for no other reason.
She didn't mention me by name, but her comments had a
preemptive feel, like she was discrediting me in advance of
my discrediting her and the efforts of APS Communications.
Let's give her that one; let's say for the purpose of discussion
only, that I am motivated only by my spite. Does it make my
questions any less legitimate? Does it relieve Armenta and the
leadership of any part of their obligation to answer questions
candidly, forthrightly and honestly?
Let's put a question on the table;
Why is the leadership of the APS hiding an ethically redacted version of the Caswell Report on an investigation of public corruption in the APS Police Department?The question has been asked and they have answered; they
point to the legal loophole that allows them the legal weaselry
to hide the Caswell Report from public knowledge.
The law "allows" them to hide the truth from interest holders,
it does not compel it. The leadership of the APS, if they wanted
to, redact the report according to the NM Inspection of Public
Records Act, and according to any other applicable standard;
for example the ethical code of conduct that they establish and
enforce upon students.
Their answer is to a different question than I asked.

the community why they are
hiding evidence of felony
criminal misconduct involving
APS senior administrators,
from the public and from
DA Brandenburg's Office.
Armenta's fear of being asked
inconvenient questions in
public isn't new.
She can be seen here illegally ordering her Praetorian Guard to
throw me out of the EHS Gubernatorial Debate. Though I had a
ticket and every right to be there, Armenta was able to have me
ejected for no other reason than that she wanted to. Brooks
backed her play personally.
There is only one reason to hide from the truth.
Armenta admitted during her presentation that most of what
she does is "not for publication".
Truer words have not been spoken.

Kent Walz and the Journal feel
exactly the same way.
Walz is seen here presenting
the NM FOG's Dixon Award
to Winston Brooks. He and
Marty Esquivel cooked up the
award for Brooks at the very
same time he was busily hiding
the Caswell Report.
Ironically, it was Walz and the Journal who reported on the
depth and breadth of the corruption in the APS Police Dept,
link, and who are now part and parcel in covering it up.
photo and frame grab Mark Bralley
EHS photo ched macquigg
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