Wednesday, May 25, 2011

But Billy did it first, waaa waaa waaa

Governor Susana Martinez has mistakenly vetoed legislation governing revenue. According to the State Constitution, her authority is limited to vetoing legislation having to do with appropriations.

Martinez excused her own abuse
of power, by pointing out that
former Bill Richardson did it first.

What is this, an elementary school

Since when is it OK to do something
because someone else did it first?
In particular, when is it OK when
that "someone else" is Bill Richardson?

It should not go unnoticed that
Attorney General Gary King also
flubbed the dub on this issue.

Rep Janice Arnold-Jones alerted
him to the constitutional issues
when Richardson abused his power
by vetoing legislation dealing with

He blew her off.

King stonewalled the complaint for so long that when he finally got back to Rep Arnold-Jones on her complaint; he was able to tell her she now "lacked standing" to make a complaint, her tenure as a legislator having expired while he did nothing about Bill Richardson's constitutional abuse.

photos Mark Bralley

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