Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Good over evil (in government)

If every time good gets evil down, it lets it back up,
inevitably evil will get good down, and will not let it up;
game over.

It is the way it was, it is the way it is, and
it is the way it always will be.

The playing field is not level.

Evil has a number of inherent advantages over good; not having
to follow pesky rules, regulations, policies, and even statutes
counts high among them. Counting as just as high or higher;
that there are so many people who care so little which of them,
good or evil, prevails outside their own lives.

It is hard to use words like "the battle between good and evil"
without appearing histrionic, or crazy. The trouble is, when
you start mincing words, you mitigate the problem and the
consequences of ignoring it.

Government could be good; we could pick up a paper or watch the news and not see more public corruption and incompetence. Government is only evil because we allow it. There is culture of public corruption and incompetence because we enable it.

Evil has good down and they're not going to let it up.
It will take a superhuman effort to throw evil off and regain
control over power and resources that belong fundamentally
to the people. They can be spent on government of the people,
for the people, and by the people, instead of being wasted by
incompetent and corrupt politicians and public servants, but
only if the people are willing to push back together.

The accomplice to the crime of corruption
is frequently our own indifference.
Bess Myerson

All that is necessary for evil to prevail in the world
is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke

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