During the School Board elections, some of the best coverage
was provided by blogger Jon Knudsen aka Johnny Mango, link.
I had reported to Knudsen that then School Board President
Marty Esquivel, had written an illegal restraining order, link,
that banned me from participating in school board meetings.
Knudsen must have asked Esquivel about it because in his
report on me, he wrote;
"MacQuigg stated that Board member Esquivel had himEither Knudsen lied about Esquivel's denial, or Esquivel lied
banned from board meetings--an allegation that
Martin Esquivel denies. "
about having written an illegal restraining order; a criminal
abuse of power.

Knudsen had no reason to lie,
and Esquivel had every.
It has been four months
since Esquivel deliberately
misled the blogger during
a campaign for public office.
I think it's safe to say,
he got away with it.
His criminal malfeasance in writing an illegal restraining order will go unnoticed. The criminal malfeasance of the APS Chief of Police Steven Tellez in agreeing to enforce the illegal restraining order will go unnoticed.

Paula Maes' criminal malfeasance,
she later signed her name under
Esquivel's, will go unnoticed.
The criminal non-feasance of
the rest of the Board, will go
No small thanks for those
disappointing outcomes go
to Esquivel and Maes' cronies
Kent Walz, and the Journal, Sue Stephens and KOAT, KRQE and KOB TV.
photos Mark Bralley
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