Bernalillo County District Attorney
Kari Brandenburg has been named
Prosecutor of the Year by the New
Mexico District Attorneys' Association.
Yet our Prosecutor of the Year
has done nothing for more than
four years while the leadership
of the APS has been suppressing
evidence of felony criminal
misconduct involving APS senior
administrators. She is yet to file a single charge.
On August 8, 2007, I wrote to Brandenburg to inquire about her intention to prosecute APS senior administrators who were implicated in the public corruption and incompetence in the APS Police Department, link.
I wrote;
Ms. Brandenburg,On August 8th, she replied;
Can you tell me the current status of the DA's investigation into the public corruption and criminal conspiracy in the APS PD?
Is the investigation still underway, and when do you expect that the DA's office will determine whether or not to proceed with criminal indictments?
As you know, it has been many months now since your office was asked to determine if criminal misconduct had taken place.
What still needs to be done before your office will be finished with its obligations?
We cannot comment regarding specifics. The investigation is ongoing & being reviewed. It will take months before we make any decisions, as it is complex and we are working on many other things, too.The "months" now total 45, and still she has not finished her
investigation. Contrary to her excuse, there is nothing at all
"complex" about the corruption. The leadership of the APS
decided that it would allow their Praetorian Guard to
investigate its own corruption. Four years later, they are
"still investigating".
She cannot deny that she knows the leadership of the APS is hiding evidence of their own corruption.
Nor, can the Prosecutor of the Year point to anything at all she is doing about it; despite the fact that statutes of limitation continue to expire as she dawdles.

the Journal to investigate and
report upon.
Too bad public corruption in the
leadership of the APS isn't
Who writes the story of
Kent Walz' and the Journal's corruption?
cc Brandenburg upon posting
photo and frame grab Mark Bralley
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