Monday, August 01, 2011

Whitewash missed a few spots

It's hard to tell who is more upset about the quasi-investigation into Public Safety Director Darren White's wife's car wreck and his alleged interference in the aftermath; blogger Monahan, link, or the anonymous contributors who write on the Eye on Albuquerque, link.

Between them, they ask some pretty good questions. Not the least of which has to do with one conclusion in particular;

"The paramedics on scene indicated that they were intimidated by (redacted name)'s presence and position within the City of Albuquerque but that they were able to effectively carry out their duties despite (redacted name) being there."
If you look up the word intimidate, you will find that in this context it means; to make timid, fill with fear, or cow, as through the force of personality or rank; to force into or deter from some action by inducing fear.

The investigator can't have it both ways; either there was intimidation or there wasn't. It's like saying, there was a fire but nothing was burned. If there was a fire; something burned - by definition. If there was intimidation then there was an effect of the intimidation; if there was no effect, then there was no intimidation.

Questions have also been raised regarding connections between the White and the investigator.

There will be more investigation and more fact finding.
The only question is whether there will be more truthtelling
and that possibility seems less likely with every passing day.

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