Friday, August 26, 2011

Due process overdue

The First Amendment to the Constitution protects the human right to petition one's government.

Protects it from what?

From petty politicians who would attempt to deprive the petition of due process; whether its preventing free speech at a public forum a la Marty Esquivel, or unilaterally rejecting an actual petition a la Paula Maes.

The entire school board has the authority to reject the petition of the Citizens Advisory Council on Communications; a single member acting alone does not. Maes has usurped the authority of the entire board in order to issue her individual rejection of the petition.

Depriving complaints and petitions their due process, is the manner in which the leadership of the APS exerts their undue influence over the public interests in the public schools. Whether it's denying hundreds of whistle blowers their due process, or denying a hundred petitioners theirs, the school board is ignoring the rights and interests of stakeholders. They are ignoring the law, blatantly, egregiously.

They are abusing the power and trust given to them by this community.

Frankly, it would be fairly easy to rectify the situation. The biggest problem is the establishment's media and their unflagging determination to hide the truth from the people. For as long as the people that run their media are covering board members and superintendent's asses, their usurpation of our power will continue.

Why should they stop if there isn't any consequence for not stopping?

First and foremost, blame Kent Walz and the Journal for their ongoing cover up of the ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS.

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